Where did I go


Lyssnade på Silvana Imams sommarprat häromdagen (tips!!) och tänkt mycket på en sak hon sa!
Hon ifrågasatte uttrycket att "komma ut" och sa ungefär såhär: "vadå komma ut? Vart gick jag in?"
Tyckte det var en bra vinkel på saken. För det är ett riktigt konstigt uttryck. Vilket kontrakt bröt man? Vart gick man in, varför gick man in där? Vi vet väl alla egentligen att det inte handlar om att gå in någonstans, det handlar om att tvingas in. I heterosexualitetsnormen och cisnormen/tvåkönsnormen. Att födas där, innanför, innanför normernas ramar. Eller i garderoben om en så vill. Att "Komma ut ur garderoben" är också ett så knasigt uttryck. Vadå garderob? Stannar alla heterosexuella cis-personer i garderoben hela livet då alltså? Varför en garderob?

Googlade (hihi) och på engelska Wikipedia fann jag detta: 

 The present-day expression "coming out" is understood to have originated in the early 20th century from an analogy that likens homosexuals' introduction into gay subculture to a débutante's coming-out party. This is a celebration for a young upper-class woman who is making her début – her formal presentation to society – because she has reached adult age or has become eligible for marriage. As historian George Chauncey points out:

Gay people in the pre-war years [pre-WWI]... did not speak of coming out of what we call the gay closet but rather of coming out into what they called homosexual society or the gay world, a world neither so small, nor so isolated, nor... so hidden as closet implies.
In fact, as Elizabeth Kennedy observes, "using the term 'closet' to refer to previous times such as "the 1920s and 1930s" might be anachronistic.

An article on coming out in the online encyclopedia glbtq.com states that sexologist Dr. Evelyn Hooker's observations introduced the use of "coming out" to the academic community in the 1950s. The article continues by echoing Chauncey's observation that a subsequent shift in connotation occurred later on. The pre-1950s focus was on entrance into "a new world of hope and communal solidarity" whereas the post-Stonewall Riots overtone was an exit from the oppression of the closet.[13] This change in focus suggests that "coming out of the closet" is a mixed metaphor that joins "coming out" with the closet metaphor: an evolution of "skeleton in the closet" specifically referring to living a life of denial and secrecy by concealing one's sexual orientation. The closet metaphor, in turn, is extended to the forces and pressures of heterosexist society and its institutions.

Detta klargjorde ju en del. Gillar tanken om att komma in istället för komma ut. Komma in i ett ärligt öppet liv, komma in i HBTQ-världen. Låter mycket mysigare. Världskrigen fuckade sannerligen med mycket.

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